Sunday, October 1, 2023


I am skeptical of you, this post, people who respond to me, deals on the new iPhone15, people who say they represent ________, I am skeptical of science papers, I am skeptical of mods, I am skeptical of so many things.

But what I am not skeptical of is that I exist. And while I can believe the idea that conception led to me, the lights didn't turn on for me till I was like 2 or 3. (earliest memory)

I am not skeptical that I am typing on a black keyboard or staring at the monitor. 

I suppose they could be simulations, but it's a simulation that is more advanced than all of the math and science we've ever discovered. 

I am not skeptical of being on earth, though I have never been off earth or compared other planets, I don't need to be skeptical of it because it does me no good to discover the truth that I am really on mars 5000 years into the future, and what we call mars now is really earth. Even if that were true, to what end would that truth benefit me or those around me?

I am not skeptical of the stars or the moon that they might betray the daytime nor am I skeptical of the sun that it will grant itself authority over the night.

I am not skeptical of the idea that all of this had a beginning. I am not skeptical of the idea that whatever kicked this off must be spaceless, timeless, and immaterial.

See we take alot on presupposition. And I mean a lot. 

All of those who say they don't are lying. They may not know or admit they are lying, but they are. And what I've discovered is there are 2 presuppositions at war with one another.

"If God, then..." and, "If not God then..."

These 2 presuppositions are seemingly at war with one another over all the hearts and minds of any who think...and the skeptic portion of you is entertaining the 2nd. No harm in that, but also remember that it's a presupposition...and to weigh a presupposition’s worth we constantly juxtapose the 2.

Example: If God, then how did the world get here? He must have wanted it to be here otherwise it would not be so.


If not God, then how did the world get here? It could have happened by accident, but what kind of accidents do nothings have? Can a nothing accidentally become something? Lets just say that it can...and then a single iota of something was so dense and so concentrated than when it had it's accident it became 2 things, matter and antimatter...and at least for this moment in time, matter seems to outnumber the antimatter but that is probably because its locked away in dark matter, equalizing the equations...yet permitting us to exist…

Now of the 2 of those presupposed statements, one is simple, concise, and explanatory. The other leads you towards a never ending investigation of the infinite regress that must exist to explain itself...IOW...nonsense.

Now the scientifically minded among us can appreciate the view that without that nonsensical investigation into the infinite regress...modern science, tech, med...wouldn't exist...but I think that is a lie...however, as I stated earlier, you cannot presuppose God without presupposing not-God to examine the presupposition.

Additionally, I would imagine that some will say the first presupposition has no explanatory power...or they will say, yes it has explanatory power that God is tyrant who likes suffering, otherwise it would not be so. To which I say...They're right...God should be punished. Let's crucify him....oh wait.

And then there is the problem of evil, which is where said suffering comes from. This can be broken into 2 realms. Natural Evil and Unnatural Evil.

Natural evils are things like floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, accidental deaths like drowning or SIDS or Disease.

Unnatural evils are things like rape, murder, theft, lying, corruption...

I like to call Natural evils, "things we call evil because we don't agree with the outcome"

I call unnatural evils, sin.

Natural evils are, like it or not, God's timing. He has a clock on each of us and we will pass from this world.

Unnatural evils are what humans do to one another. By no other reason than we want stuff and don't care for others in our pursuit of it.

In summary, the motives of others should be held with healthy skepticism, because they could be perpetuating some unnatural evil driven by some selfish desire. All other skeptical positions should be compared with their opposite presupposition to cast out those things which are nonsense…everything else to be held with an open hand.

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